We specialise in Healthy Homes Assessments to ensure your property is properly ventilated and insulated all year round.
Healthy Homes
New Zealand’s Healthy Homes Standards ensure tenants benefit from healthier, safer properties, while landlords benefit from lower maintenance costs for their investments.
We specialise in Healthy Homes Assessments, and installation of up to standard insulation, ventilation and heating solutions for rental properties, so landlords can meet their obligations.
Renovations & Retrofits
While renovating, it’s the perfect time to insulate your property. We offer insulation fluff removal, and multiple types of top-quality thermal and acoustic insulation for ceilings and walls.
As a single point solution, we’re able to meet all of your needs from fencing to guttering, and decking to roofing. We’ll get your home in order all year round.
Our experienced team can provide comprehensive project consultations to identify the most suitable products to suit any commercial development.
We’ve insulated schools, apartment blocks, warehouses, fire stations, and distribution centres across Taupo and Central Plateau with high-quality insulation solutions.
New Builds
We insulate all types of new build residential developments, from standalone homes to mutlicomplex blocks. We provide highlighted plans and quality take-offs.
As a single point solution, we also offer driveway installation, garage carpet installation and high-quality painting services. Let us help you with your next build.
Roof Installation, Repairs & Maintenance
We provide a comprehensive range of high-quality long run steel roofing to suit any property and budget.
Our roofing team can supply, install and maintain your roof to ensure you get a premium service and a long-lasting product from start-to-finish.
Total Property Painting
From fences and pergolas to whole home paint jobs, we offer premium paintwork for properties of any size.
Our team of seasoned painters can ensure your new home is the colour you want, or your existing home is revitalised with fresh high-quality paint. All of our services come complete with maintenance options for long-lasting satisfaction.
Improving and maintaining indoor air quality is essential for creating a happy and healthy home, but more than that, having good indoor air quality goes a long way towards improving your family’s health and wellbeing.
We provide full property ventilation solutions with top-quality options from EVOAQ and DVS.
Heating & Cooling
We specialise in heating and cooling solutions for all situations around your home, or office. Hitachi and Dimplex are our top-rated solutions for both heating and air-conditioning, however our experienced team can source any solution to meet your needs. Let us be your heating and cooling solutions partner.
Comprehensive Property Maintenance
We offer end-to-end property solutions, including long-term maintenance programmes to ensure your property is always fit for purpose.
From roof installation, repairs and maintenance to paintwork, and heating, or cooling system maintenance, through to driveway repairs. Whatever your property needs, rest assured our services are available at all times.